Pet EnergyOSuction© for pets and pet lovers
This Pet EnergyOSuction© recording assist pets and pet lovers to release blocked energy.
This technique will assist your pet in removing and transmuting deep energy blockages and stress that accumulates in their body. It gets into hard to reach spaces in the energy body and clears blocks that stop your pet's energy from flowing freely.
This recording is also for pet lovers as it helps with the stress and anxiety you experience when worrying about your beloved pet. As a pet owner I know exactly how this feels and how it hurts your heart and keeps you awake at night! And it does not help them if you are stressing as they pick up on it.
Please make sure you and your pet are in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed when you are listening to the recording. It is like a meditation style. You just need to close your eyes, listen and receive 💓.
Some things that may happen in this session:
Your pet comes up and lies next to you and is noticably calmer.
At the end of the session your pet has a burst of energy.
You feel / see / sense energies, such as pressure changes, light changes, heat or goosebumps, or have a somatic response such as shaking, burping, yawning, tears etc (this does not happen to everyone but please know that even if you do not experience this, it is working).
When I tune into my cats Phil and Bev during Pet EnergyOSuction© they go a beautiful pink colour surrounded by gold. They also are super happy and relaxed and get the zoomies.
Medical Disclaimer
Any advice or guidance provided should not be considered a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you or your pet have, or suspect you have, a medical condition, please seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider, licensed medical professional or veterinarian.